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Secondary Prevention of Some Mental Disorders

Secondary Prevention of Some Mental Disorders during Different Life Stages

1. Early childhood and childhood:
Psychological disorder in early childhood noticeable in:
 Disordered eating and sleeping, skin rash and asthma and indigestion problems. Such disorders indicate the existence of anxiety, nervousness, and insecurity. In such cases, a research should be carried out about the child-mother relationship and treat any flaw in it.
Childhood neurotic disorders:
A child may find it difficult to carry out some developmental tasks and discover the environment around him/her and also build relations or get along with family and society. Consequently, a child may suffer from disordered eating and sleeping or constantly cry, or suffer fear or withdrawal etc. In such cases we should satisfy his/her desires/wants and give them the due care they deserve.
Childhood neurosis:
A child in such case may become detached and unemotional, and become obsessed with trifles, and irritable etc. Parents may in such cases need help and guidance to face aggressiveness, anxiety and guilt. 
Mental retardation:
Mentally retarded children need support, advice and help to reach the best ways to approach and tackle problems with such children.

2. The child in the school stage:
School difficulties during childhood may be accompanied by:
Hyperkinetic  conduct
Insensitivity to the feeling
Such symptoms can be dealt with if there is a suitable education system and help is available at school and at home through psycho-medical treatment.

The problems faced during adolescence are mainly represented in education problems and behavioural disorder. The teenager finds himself/herself in a whirl of struggles due to:
Suppression of desires during such stage and the way to express them in way accepted by society, also how to make up for such desires and engage them in other activities.
Searching for identity and difficulties related to their awareness of being different from relatives or close ones.
Contradictory desires of being close and independent at the same time. The adolescent seeks to be close to his/her family and friends and at the same time be independent and different. Such factors may lead to violence in case of suppression or frustration.
If we thoroughly check both alternatives we find:
1-Anti-.social conduct of the Adolescent such as aggression, theft, rejection of school and taking drugs may all be involuntary defense against depression.
2-Sudden change of conduct and deep involvement of western beliefs which are of no basis may indicate early schizophrenia and other mental diseases.
3- Aggression or uncontrollable severe anger may indicate symptoms of early neurosis which also applies to peculiar conduct.
Such symptoms may need individual or family therapy as studies have proved that aggressive impulsive behaviour as well as school tardiness during the first three years may be indicators of future anti-social conduct.



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